saving to browser storage

The only place where Loom automatically saves your data is your local browser storage. The entire program state is saved to your browser, which includes:

  • All trees

  • The currently open tree and current path

  • All preferences, including model endpoint and API keys

Since this information is only stored to your local browser, unless you take additional actions:

  • You will not be able to access your trees on another browser or another computer.

  • If you clear your browser storage, your data will be lost.

  • If you use an Incognito window, your data will be lost when you close the browser.


Loom defaults to autosaving the program state to your browser every 15 seconds. Autosave can be turned off in preferences.

You can manually save to the browser with ⌘S | Ctrl+S

backing up and transferring browser storage

exporting and importing program state backs up the current state and enables you to open Loom in that state on the same or a different browser/computer.

clearing local storage

Clearing local storage will delete all your trees. Make sure you have all any data you want to save exported.

You can also use an Incognito Window to run a fresh copy of Loom without your saved state, but you will lose any saved state when you close the browser.

Last updated